sculpture foundry

To get more in-tune with design, I pushed out of my typical wheelhouse and practiced some fine art. Working in a foundry with sculptors expanded my world view and gave me more insight into different mantras of making. Still, this process is very manufacturing-adjacent and reinforced my materials knowledge in practice.

First, wax forms are scultped.

Sprues, vents, and risers are added, as well as a pour cup. The flask is then created with chicken wire reinforcement.

Investment is poured around the wax forms to form a mold. The molds are then burned out in the kiln to melt out the wax. After fired, the molds are loaded into a sand pit, ready for the pour.

The furnace then heats either aluminum or bronze in a crucible. Once to temperature, pouring commences.

Opening up the molds to see my bronze parts for the first time.

Sand blasting reveals the form-- lots of metal chasing to ensue.

Cutting, grinding, welding, sanding, repeat.

Experimenting with various patina finishes

Applying a cupric nitrate finish to my bronze airplane.

My display for the final critique. I continue to practice sculpture foundry as a hobby.